Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and brighter. Graduation! I (Audrey; by now you have probably figured out that I am the only one who writes on this) will be graduating with a Bachelor's degree from Utah State University on May 2, 2008 in Interdisciplinary Studies of Interior and Business Design. I think we need to have a party.


Cynthia Mann said...

Have you considered a pizza party for graduation? If not I think you should.

Audrey @ The Cloth Parcel said...

Actually, we were thinking about a luau, because we saw a sign for a high priest's social that was a luau at the church and it seemed really fun. Maybe we could have Hawaiian pizza at the luau. . . Or we could have two parties!

Cynthia Mann said...

Hawaiian pizza?! Are you serious!

Soup Kids said...

PAR-TAY! I could bring the margarita mixers and we can have a wild teetotaler party.