Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Cub Scouts/Blue and Gold/What Were We Thinking

Last night was the Cub Scouts' Blue and Gold Banquet. We were assigned to bring enough rice for sixty people. Well, ok. How do you figure that out? Plus we wanted half white rice and half ham fried rice. Sounds simple, right? No. Not at all. We figured we should make 1/2 a cup of rice per person, so thirty cups of rice. That is a lot more rice than it sounds like. We ended up with five of our largest bowls full of rice, two white rice and three ham fried rice. I don't know how many batches I ended up cooking, because our biggest pot only made five cups at a time, then I had all our small ones going as well. It was a bit crazy in our tiny kitchen for a while. Plus, all that rice is extremely heavy, and so are the pans. We ended up bringing three of the five bowls home. And two of those were the plain stuff. Rice, anyone?

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