Thursday, May 13, 2010

15 Months In-Depth

We had M's official 15 month check-up yesterday, so in keeping with tradition, I thought I would share her stats, along with some recent photos.

Weight: 25 lbs. 12 oz. (90%)
Height: 33 in. (>95%)
Head Circumference: 18.25 in. (50%)
Her height is the average for a 23-month-old, but it follows the curve (or should I say it flies above the curve) based on her growth over time.  Actually, her overall growth is right on track, so that was good.

I finally got M a new toy: a grocery basket with plastic food.  Once she figured out the food wasn't real, she started playing with it really well.  Every once in a while I have to tell her to take it out of her mouth, but that is pretty normal with just about everything for this girl.

We love you, M!  Thanks for always making us smile.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

She is getting so cute. Hope we get to see you all next weekend