Friday, May 22, 2009

Let's Play a Game. . .

What do these five places have in common??? There are two right answers. . .

OUR APARTMENT (sorry, no pic)

Any ideas? Okay, here it is:

They are all located between our house and the greater Salt Lake area, and

(this one's my favorite)

they are all places where we have been asked for money by random people. Sad part? We almost always cave. We'd like to think that if we really needed money that strangers would help us out. Not that we would probably ever ask people for money, even if we did need it. I think it really comes down to the fact that we hate confrontation.

What do you do when people ask you for money??

1 comment:

kathbot said...

Oh no! Usually they ask for money for food or gasoline, so we either offer to bring them back a sandwich or accompany them to the gas station. Haven't had too many people ask since we decided this would be a good policy. If I'm by myself, I say no. Can't compromise the safety of the kids.